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Street Magic die Spielwiese der Taschenspieler

Staßenzauberei gehört mit zu den ältesten Gattungen der Zauberkunst. Sie unterliegt besonderen Gesetzen. Meistens waren es Taschenspieler, welche Kunststücke zum Anlocken von Publikum benutzten, um anschließend Waren feilzubieten. Sie traten meist auf Marktplätzen und in Wirtshäusern auf, oft hinter einem Tisch stehend. Das Repertoire der Taschenspieler beschränkte sich meist auf das Becherspiel, bei dem zu Unterhaltungszwecken Bälle oder Muskatnüsse unter den Bechern wandern. Die Nachfahren der Taschenspieler sind die Straßenkünstler. Sie müssen in der Lage sein, unter manchmal schwierigen Bedingungen, etwa umringt, bei widrigem Wetter und vor unberechenbaren Passanten ihr Publikum anzulocken. Meistens spielen sie für eine Spende in den aufgestellten Hut.

Staßenzauberei gehört mit zu den ältesten Gattungen der Zauberkunst. Sie unterliegt besonderen Gesetzen. Meistens waren es Taschenspieler , welche Kunststücke zum Anlocken von Publikum benutzten,... mehr erfahren »
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Street Magic die Spielwiese der Taschenspieler

Staßenzauberei gehört mit zu den ältesten Gattungen der Zauberkunst. Sie unterliegt besonderen Gesetzen. Meistens waren es Taschenspieler, welche Kunststücke zum Anlocken von Publikum benutzten, um anschließend Waren feilzubieten. Sie traten meist auf Marktplätzen und in Wirtshäusern auf, oft hinter einem Tisch stehend. Das Repertoire der Taschenspieler beschränkte sich meist auf das Becherspiel, bei dem zu Unterhaltungszwecken Bälle oder Muskatnüsse unter den Bechern wandern. Die Nachfahren der Taschenspieler sind die Straßenkünstler. Sie müssen in der Lage sein, unter manchmal schwierigen Bedingungen, etwa umringt, bei widrigem Wetter und vor unberechenbaren Passanten ihr Publikum anzulocken. Meistens spielen sie für eine Spende in den aufgestellten Hut.

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Freaky Pen by Tybbe Master
Freaky Pen by Tybbe Master
Imagine we are holding a pen that is completely normal and in good condition. Next, magically twist and bend the pen as if the pen is soft and flexible. When the spectator holds and examines the pen it is really hard and solid, but no matter how hard the spectator tries, it won't work return the pen to its original state. The spectator is guaranteed to be stunned and...
7,00 € *
Zum Produkt
INFINITY CHANGE by Kenneth Costa
INFINITY CHANGE by Kenneth Costa
Introducing Infinity Change - a mesmerizing and visually stunning magic effect that will elevate your performances to new heights. Watch as ordinary everyday objects undergo extraordinary transformations right before your audience's eyes. Key Features: Performable for a live audience: Capture the attention and amazement of your spectators with a magic act that is perfect for...
10,95 € *
Zum Produkt
The Vault - Rainbow Matrix on Lap
The Vault - Rainbow Matrix on Lap
A casual matrix with four different objects that you can do on your lap! This is a unique matrix perfect for informal and casual situations. There are no gimmicks and the handling is ultra naturalistic. Imagine doing this with any small flat objects, like keys, sugar packets and coins. Fun to perform and highly visual. Download and learn Rainbow Matrix today!
10,00 € *
Zum Produkt
Square Hole by Ryan Pilling
Square Hole by Ryan Pilling
Part puzzle, part optical illusion, and presents as a seemingly impossible magic trick. This curious effect proposes to push a large card through a small hole, a feat which seems out of proportion. However, before their very eyes, the laws of physics appear to be bent to your will, and you do just what you said. Like the classic "Trapdoor Card," this topological stunt is a...
7,00 € *
Zum Produkt
The Vault - Gravity Band by Arnel Renegado
The Vault - Gravity Band by Arnel Renegado
A rubber band defies gravity right in front of their eyes! This hyper visual routine is a blast to perform. No threads No sticky stuff Original gimmick Download and learn it today!
10,00 € *
Zum Produkt
P-Vanish by Kohei Oi
P-Vanish by Kohei Oi
A new method to vanish a coin using only ONE finger. practical, visual, easy to perform, and end up CLEAN. Can be performed in surrounded situations. Even possible to let the spectator look from the side in certain dim lighted places. No gimmick. No Invisible thread. Pure sleight of hand. Not only to vanish the coin but you can reproduce it easily. This is a utility move for...
10,00 € *
Zum Produkt
The Vault - Shadow Window by Sultan Orazaly
The Vault - Shadow Window by Sultan Orazaly
You put your finger through a large square cut out of a blue-backed playing card. Instantly the card turns red and the hole you just saw fingers go through somehow no longer exists. The black hole is now just a piece of black tape that is peeled off of the card. Easy to build and fun to perform. A real visual puzzle! Download it today.
10,00 € *
Zum Produkt
Insta Bag by Rian Lehman
Insta Bag by Rian Lehman
Find a spectator's card with a clothespin from within a paper bag! This 'no look' version of card sword is great because it doesn't use ANY sharp objects and doesn't make a mess from throwing the deck. It is comedic, visual and builds suspense. You will love Insta Bag ! This effect is SUPER easy to learn and can be performed by any skill level magician. Add it to your set...
14,95 € *
Zum Produkt
T-Koin by Robert Bertrance
T-Koin by Robert Bertrance
A signed coin impossibly vanishes and appears inside a piece of tissue between your spectators hand! No magnets No strings Everyday objects Download this amazing illusion today!
6,00 € *
Zum Produkt
The Vault - Dutch Kiss by Danny Urbanus
The Vault - Dutch Kiss by Danny Urbanus
The Vault - Dutch Kiss by Danny Urbanus
9,95 € *
Zum Produkt
Ultimate Jumping Band by Jim Bodine video DOWNLOAD
Ultimate Jumping Band by Jim Bodine video DOWNLOAD
The original jumping band effect taken to impossible conditions - and with a killer climax! Can be performed with any elastic bands with the proper stretch. Easy to master. Amazes magicians who are well aware of how to perform the original jumping band. Great for a few people, or in a parlor situation. Bands can be very visible. Climax is a real mind blower. It fools the...
9,95 € *
Zum Produkt
Box by Zaw Shinn
Box by Zaw Shinn
A coin vanishes from the top of the card box and ends up inside! A quick visual coin effect you will want to do all of the time. Easy to make. Download it today!
7,00 € *
Zum Produkt
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